
Hello and welcome to the June/July edition of PetFocus magazine.

Regular check ups at the vets can help spot any health problems our pets might have, allowing them to be treated as quickly as possible. But it’s not just vets who can tell that something might be wrong. As the people who spend the most time with them, we’re well placed to notice some of the early signs that our pets might need help. 

In this issue, vet nurse Claire Speight explains the common health problems that affect guinea pigs and the signs to look out for. 
We also have a guide to the clues that a cat might be in pain from vet 
Sarah Elliott.

Elsewhere, we have tips on how to manage a dog that likes to bark at the window, advice on helping a horse that engages in stereotypical behaviours, and learn how a charity helps cats and their owners escape from domestic abuse. 

With summer finally here and – if we’re lucky – some good weather, it can be a great time to enjoy the outdoors with our pets. If you take any good snaps of your pet out and about, send them to for the chance to feature in the magazine and win a Pets Place voucher!

Best Wishes